Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Place for Teens Like You!

by Rose LaMay
Senior, Plymouth Whitemarsh

Frank Fennimore and Keith Smith playing Fuzz ball at Teen Center
Teens, Inc. goes live if we weren’t lively enough! Our web-site is loaded and full of information for and about young people in this area. If you want to discover what Teens, Inc is all about, tune into the site and check out the various tabs on the web-site. Read the testimonials and browse the Photo Gallery! Discover on-line the fun, recreational activities at the Teen Center plus the year-round trips. Don’t miss the tab on Community service and current service offered for November and December.

You'll want to attend the Yule Ball for all 6-8th graders on Friday, December 10 at 7:30 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church Parish Hall; 22 East Chestnut Hill Ave., Chestnut Hill, 19118. Come to the community dance and listen to the sounds of Anthony Celli! Cost is $5. for members and $10.-Non-members. Chaperones are aways needed! Dress in pants, skirts and collered shirts and have a ball!

Peer Tutoring service at the Teen Center- (Back) Rrose LaMay, Olivia Dean,
(Front) Molly and Kelly Carroll
 Teenagers, Inc rocks and you can be a part of this community action! Make a difference in your community, city and the world and join Teens,Inc today! Check us out at You can also mail your completed membership form with $25. To Marianne Dwyer: 8600 Prospect Ave., Phila., Pa. 19118