Friday, December 3, 2010

How to Survive Winter Break

By Kate Sellers, '14
(from Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School's The Town Crier, December 2010 )

If you're stuck for a week at home while your friends are off in Italy, Washington D.C., Peru, Florida, or have family over, try to stay busy.  There are some great things to do during winter break, even if you're not off to a fabulous vacation getaway.

     1)  Turn off the TV - Yes, it seems silly, but wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something besides staring at a screen for six hours a day? In addition, most of us eat while we watch TV.  It's basically part of our routine.  Mindlessly adding on to the holiday pounds is something that no one really wants to do.

     2)  Find a Friend - Surely, somewhere, you have a friend.  Maybe he sits next to you in I-Block.  Maybe it's a friend who moved or [who] you haven't talked to in a while.  Either way, there must be someone who is stuck at home like you.  It's better to be hanging out with someone than be alone.

     3)  Explore Philadelphia - We are so lucky.  We live next to one of the most cultural, historical, and interesting cities in the U.S.  Go downtown.  Eat a cheesesteak or a pretzel.  Visit Independence Hall, the Franklin Institute, or the Art Museum.  Ever go to South Street or the Reading Terminal and Italian Market? Penn's Landing has great ice skating.  This is only the beginning of the list of what Philadelphia has to offer!

     4)  Relax - One great thing about the holidays? Time off from school and all the work it entails.  I usually take time to become acquainted with iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and Starbucks.  With a hot chocolate in my hand, my headphones plugged in, and a Sodoku book, I am totally relaxed.  For you, it might be when you are playing a new video game or watching a new movie.  Just take some time during winter break to enjoy no school.

     5)  Try something new - Ever go paintballing? Try it.  Read all of Jane Austen's or Charles Dickens' books.  Try a new food.  Set up an experiment involving Diet Coke and Mentos.

Even though you might be stuck at home, making the best of it may turn it into the best winter break yet.

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